söndag 10 februari 2013

Vacation at Gran Canaria dec 2012

Seaview from Maspalomas to San Augustin
Sandy beach close to the pool at my hotel
It doesn't rain very often
But some-times it's windy and chilly
After the tempest
Welldone !
My bike
Botanic Garden
This market is open on Sundays

To the dunes of Maspalomas

The pro-menade at Faro de Mas-palomas
CALLE SUECIA, I don't know him
Towards the beaches through a passage of a RIU-hotel
The rolling dunes of the Maspalomas Desert is a mini-Sahara of protected natural golden sand dunes and it is an amazing experience to walk around here and it's very popular.
Forgot your bathing suit, it doesn't matter.
Oops!! Santa Claus from Rova-niemi
Twilight over Gran Canaria
Full moon over Gran Canaria